At FAYMASA, as promoters and associates of the Capital Goods Cluster of Castilla y León, we are proud to have been involved in the pilot project “The CBECyL‘s Talent Journey” that has come to an end, its impact will continue to resonate in the minds and hearts of those of us who have participated and of those who will benefit from its fruits in the future.


During this journey, we have seen how enthusiasm and dedication can transform the educational and professional landscape of Castilla y León. From specialized training to mentoring opportunities, the seeds have been sown for a prosperous and technologically advanced future.


As this chapter closes, we want to express our deep gratitude to everyone who has contributed to making this project possible: First of all, the young talents who have participated with enthusiasm and determination, but especially to Ruth Escolar and Paula Cuadra for their invaluable dedication so that “The CBECyL‘s Talent Journey” was a success and reached its final destination, at least in Burgos.





At FAYMASA we feel lucky to have been part of the achievements of this recent past and anticipate a future full of unlimited possibilities for STEM talent, with the potential incorporation of young talents as Workshop Operators in our areas of Machining and Industrial Assembly that could come from this awesome proposal.


The journey is not over, it is just beginning!